1. You can make a lot of money easily and fast, while educating, informing, and adding value to your prospects!
2. Webinars convert much better than websites or online sales letters. It is typical to close 10 percent of your attendees at a $1,000 price point (as long as you have a good offer). In other words, having 100 targeted prospects on your webinar can bring in $10,000 in sales from a single 90-minute webinar.
3. They cost next to nothing to run (no hosting, no website necessary, just a $99/month gotowebinar.com subscription).
4. Webinars give you massive leverage! You can talk to hundreds of prospects at the same time.
5. You can do webinars from home, or from anywhere in the world, from your laptop.
6. You don’t even need a website, a product, or even a mailing list to make money with webinars. (Check out the joint venture webinar business model.)
7. They help you build your relationship with your clients and prospects.
8. They work in any market.
9. If you’ve built a mailing list of prospects and clients, promoting a webinar to them can be a very lucrative way of monetizing your list of subscribers or your social media lists of followers and fans. In fact, doing webinars is a great way to build your mailing list!
10. You can earn passive income from your webinar replays (recordings of your webinars that play over and over again forever, generating sales!)
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