6 Ways to Make Money Thanks to Facebook - Earning Ideas

6 Ways to Make Money Thanks to Facebook

Now that you have Facebook fans, the next step is using those fans to generate revenue.

1.Drive Traffic to Your Websites and Build Your Mailing List :
You can get traffic to your websites by simply posting updates on your Facebook wall and on your Facebook page wall. This is how I like to use Facebook to drive traffic to my websites, my seminar registration pages, and my live webinars. By promoting my websites to my 14,000 Facebook friends and fans, I get thousands of clicks a month for free.
Whether you have a business, website, newsletter, or service to promote, Facebook is a compelling way to drive traffic.
As I mentioned earlier, Vesna Flo made $1,600 in seven days by simply posting an offer for her massage business, and Paul Wakefield made close to $3,000 in eight days and $12,000 in the following nine weeks by promoting his marketing service on his Facebook wall.
My friend Chris Farrell, a former radio DJ, told me he’s getting close to 13,000 targeted visitors to his website every month thanks to Facebook, for free.
Dean Hunt, another Briton living in the United States, posted on his Facebook wall that he got 37,000 hits to his website in a single month, just thanks to Facebook!

2.Affiliate Marketing
In the same way, instead of driving traffic to your own websites or opt-in pages, you can drive traffic to affiliate offers or cost-per-action (CPA) offers.
Tom Chambers, Georgina Lany, and Glen Kirkham started making money online by promoting some of the 12,000 available affiliate offers from ClickBank.com.
For example, Tom built a Facebook page about how to overcome the fear of flying and was making as much as $800 a month by promoting affiliate products that help overcome this phobia.
Georgina Lany set up a Facebook page about dating advice for gay men and started making up to $1,000 a month by promoting affiliate products to that niche market.
Nadeem Malik set up his Facebook page and started making $1,200 a month on average, by promoting affiliate offers to the 4,500 fans of his page.
You can see how by setting up 20 or more Facebook pages in different niche markets, it is no surprise that so many laptop entrepreneurs are making a full-time living just thanks to Facebook.

3.Facebook Events
A cool feature of Facebook profiles and of Facebook pages is that they allow you to organize a Facebook event. Facebook notifies your friends and fans about your event, and this event is then is displayed in your friends’ and fans’ calendars on Facebook up until the date of the event.
And best of all, you can invite all your Facebook friends and fans to attend your event and even message them via Facebook (up to 5,000 people at a time). And of course, they can invite all of their friends to register for your event, too.
Setting up a Facebook event could not be simpler and only takes a couple of minutes. Once you’ve logged into your Facebook account, go to www.facebook.com/events/create and set up your event by typing in the title, the date, the location, a brief description of the event and how someone can sign up. You can also upload a picture.
You can use Facebook events to promote your product launches, your webinars, or your live events, and you can interact with your attendees on the event wall.
As I mentioned earlier, the first time I created a Facebook event to promote one of my seminars, it resulted in 60 more attendees and $40,000 in extra sales. And when I ran a five-day marketing campaign to promote a webinar exclusively to my 14,000 friends and fans on Facebook, I got 881 registrations, and I generated $22,000 in sales during the webinar.

4.Facebook Management and Social Media Management
There are over 100 million small and medium-sized businesses around the world, and more and more of them are realizing that their traditional approach to marketing—Yellow Pages, classified ads, radio and TV advertising—is simply not working anymore, because the way people live, spend time, and access information has changed.
With 800 million users, Facebook presents a golden opportunity for businesses to find and communicate with their prospects online. Business owners worldwide know that they need to have an online presence and use social media, but most don’t know how.
This has created a massive opportunity for savvy marketers to offer Facebook marketing services. They can sell services such as:

  • Setting up a Facebook page. 
  • Managing a Facebook page and updating it daily. 
  • Getting more fans for a customer’s Facebook page. 
  • Creating a Facebook app for a client’s business. 
  • Generating leads via Facebook and selling them to businesses.
Jonathan Pitts signed up three businesses as clients for his Facebook services within five weeks of attending my seminar. He charges $0.60 per fan that he gets for a client.
Martin Welch agreed to a $3,000 Facebook marketing deal with a company within four weeks of studying my course.
Fifteen-year-old Jelle Kaldenbach made $2,781 in three weeks by selling Facebook apps to local businesses in his area.
This type of service represents a huge growth area! (Find out more in Chapter 9, Local Business Marketing.)

5.Joint Ventures
Facebook can be a goldmine of joint venturing opportunity. Thanks to Facebook’s pages, groups, and search functionality you can find hundreds of entrepreneurs in your field with whom to network and do business.
I use this strategy to find speakers for my seminars, marketers to do joint venture webinars with, or simply other Facebook page owners who I can do joint venture cross-promotions with.
My friend Tracy Repchuk recently connected with an entrepreneur via Facebook that resulted in a $250,000-a-year business deal.
Social media expert Robert Grant used Facebook in 2009 to identify and contact potential joint venture partners in his market. As a result, he generated more than $500,000 in sales in his first year in business.
You might find that by using Facebook you only need to connect with a handful of key people to completely change your life (I’ve seen this described as “the secret to turning your Facebook friends into $100,000 a year”).
Go to www.facebook.com/pages and search for entrepreneurs and Facebook pages relevant to your topic or field, contact the owners with a complimentary message about them or their Facebook pages, and propose a joint venture with them.
For example, you might say something like this: “Hello George, I hope you are well. I love your page/website/product, and I would like to help you get more sales/business/traffic. Would you be interested in doing a joint venture? I can promote your website to my 11,000 subscribers for free in exchange for you promoting my website to yours. What do you think? Let me know if this sounds interesting. I would love to do business with you, and I welcome your ideas and suggestions. Warm regards, John.”

6.Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads have proved to be a boon to marketers all around the world, because they allow anyone with a Facebook account and a credit card to advertise to the 800 million or so Facebook users worldwide, even if they’re just starting out with $100.
What is revolutionary about Facebook advertising is that Facebook gives you more data than any other advertising medium has ever done. Why? Because people on Facebook tell you what they’re interested in! Facebook Ads provide you with seven key targeting options:

1. Geographic location
2. Age
3. Birthday
4. Likes and interests
5. Education
6. Workplace
7. Relationship status

This type of demographic and personal data allows you to laser-target your advertising, which means you can advertise to only the people you know are going to be interested in your offer, which in turn means less wasted money and a much higher ROI on your advertising campaigns.
What is fantastic about having these various types of data is that they create numerous possible combinations. You might find that your ad works incredibly well for women, ages 35 to 38, living in Sydney, Australia, or that it appeals to men ages 27 to 32, living in Paris, who are interested in football. The possibilities are endless!
I shared with you earlier how I turned $952 into $30,000 in seven days thanks to Facebook Ads, but as I started doing some research about this advertising medium I realized that a lot of laptop entrepreneurs were making a fortune from this strategy.
  • Twenty-four-year-old American student Justin Dupre, living in Thailand, spends $20,000 a month on Facebook Ads, promoting affiliate and CPA offers, getting a 50 percent or more daily ROI for a total profit of approximately $10,000 a month. “Average figures look like anything $300 to $1,000 a day. Good months can bring in $50k plus for me just on Facebook,” he says. 

  • Twenty-six -year-old Jonathan Volk did $3,693 a day, on average, for 10 months, generating over 10 million clicks and raking in $1,107,963 in the process thanks to affiliate marketing through Facebook Ads. 

  • Adeel Chowdhry, a successful marketer, recently did $144,998 in sales in a single month, thanks to Facebook Ads promoting his webinars.
To create a Facebook Ad, go to www.facebook.com/ads and click on Create an Ad, and then type in a title, some body text, and add an image. Then select your targeting options (for example, men ages 45 to 49, living in London, who are single, and who are interested in marketing).
The key here is to test different ads. Create three or four ads, and see which one gets the most clicks at the cheapest cost. That ad becomes your control ad.
Then play “beat the control”—this means deleting the other two or three ads, and creating two or three new ads to try to beat the results of the control ad. Delete the worst-performing ads, and continue trying to beat the control until you are happy with the results.
By doing this, you’ll end up with one ad that works very well. Make sense?
Also, be very careful when buying traffic or paying for online ads, as you could lose a fortune if you’re not careful and you don’t know what you’re doing.
Educate yourself about this method and start small.
With mobile marketing, Facebook apps, proximity marketing, and Bluetooth marketing being some major marketing innovations and breakthroughs on the horizon, a lot of entrepreneurs consider Facebook to be the future of online advertising.

Let’s jump into a few longer case studies that describe how others have used these strategies.
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