3 Tips Before You Create A Course On Udemy - Earning Ideas

3 Tips Before You Create A Course On Udemy

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Don’t rush it. The very purpose of a course dictates that you be meticulous and thorough. Learning can sometimes be hard for many people, and it will be your job on Udemy to make sure that you deliver a comprehensive, well-structured and highly effective course. Hey, you may even reflect on your school days while you’re at it, and find that your teachers had it worse than you ever imagined! Before you even start creating your course for upload to Udemy, consider reflecting on the following.

Potential Income

While top Udemy instructors make a fortune in Udemy, not everyone earns a big income. It’s worth noting that some instructors only bring in $60 monthly but the elite ones are able to earn 6 figures annually. Don’t let this discourage you as this doesn’t necessarily mean a lot of competition for you in particular, nor does it mean that the top is occupied. If anything, it simply goes to show how far you can go through this website. If a course creator isn’t pulling in a significant amount of income, this is probably because they either haven’t produced quality or have chosen to teach an unpopular or perhaps too popular skill. On the other hand, those among them who are drawing 6 figures have probably worked very, very hard for their position and have reached a level of organization and proficiency which can’t be expected at the beginning. Obviously, at that level they are probably some kind of a company or, at least, a team of instructors, so no need to compare yourself to these circles on Udemy, yet!
Either way, you shouldn’t feel too strongly about either of these extremes. With focus, creativity and due diligence you can get to exactly where you want to be.

Time Frame

Making an online course will require a lot of investment from you, particularly in terms of time, and possibly resources. For some people, especially book authors, it takes as much time as writing a full-fledged book. Obviously, it’s much easier if you already have a book or some other original material like blogs and workshops to begin with, on which you can base your course. You can probably create a course in one 2- to 3-hour sitting with such materials available. But if you’re practically starting from scratch, allot a lot of time for it and budget such time wisely. 
Now, what you are providing is a course, yes, but this doesn’t mean that there can’t be some kind of a pitch attached to it. As a matter of fact, it could potentially do wonders for your project. If you go back to school for a moment, you will remember that learning has always been more effective if it was fun and witty at the same time. By employing a degree of creativity when building your course, you can even end up having a good time yourself! Enjoying your work always helps and will certainly entice you to work faster and be more time-efficient.


More than just technical competencies on the course you’ll be creating, you’ll also need enough video production skills for creating your video courses. While it’s certainly possible to use your smartphone’s camera to film yourself, there’s more to it than that. It requires post shooting edit, audio and video setting skills.  At least if you want a good video on Udemy. Those are very technical things that you can probably learn over time but if you want to create a good course at the soonest possible time, better concentrate on the material and just get professional help for the video shoot and edits.
This is yet another opportunity to employ the services of freelancers to help you on your project. There is an abundance of video editors and audio mixers working as freelancers online, and a lot of them are real experts. For this, refer back to freelance websites we mentioned before, the likes of Upwork, Freelancer, Elance, etc. You can divvy up the task and take on the writing, or some other aspect of the work or you can delegate the whole thing to a professional. Relative to your budget, time and skills you’ll know best how to organize.

If you do possess fair skills in video editing and effects, be confident because that personal touch only you can give may just be the factor that makes your course all that much more attractive and relatable.  
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