Top 10 Tips for Being a Brilliant Interviewee - Earning Ideas

Top 10 Tips for Being a Brilliant Interviewee

How do you prepare for today’s new, rigorous, psychologically draining interview? You need to treat it like the final exam (or trial) that it really is, and study for it.
Here are top 10 Tips for you to being a brilliant Interviewee:

Top 10 Tips for Being a Brilliant Interviewee

1. Be polite, organized, and enthusiastic. 

2. Plan interviews around your prospect’s schedule, rather than your own. (Try to give yourself enough time to study the company thoroughly in advance, but be flexible.) And never turn down an interview because you have a class that day, are meeting with a personal trainer, or because it’s your day to pick up the kids. 

3. Do your homework. Research the company thoroughly (even if you already know absolutely everything about it). 

4. Ask contacts for the inside scoop on the company and, if possible, about the personality of your interviewer

5. Smile at your prospect, and shake his or her hand. The gracious interviewee lands the job. 

6. Avoid canned answers to questions. Take the answers from our website, change them around, play with them, and really make them your own. 

7. Nix slang words such as “like,” “gee,” “um,” and “wow” from your interview spiel. Valley Girl–speak automatically subtracts, like, major IQ points.

8. Follow the news. There could be a story about the very company where you’re interviewing. 

9. Don’t leave the interview without asking your prospect at least three questions

10. Follow up with a thank-you email or letter within three business days after your interview. 

Additional Interview Tips:

1. If you are asked to put on your interviewing “hat” (or walk a mile in your interviewer’s shoes) and tell him why he should hire you, take the opportunity to wow him with your problem solving ability, interpersonal talents, and closure skills. 

2. The answers to questions about your dreams and aspirations need to be thorough and inspired. Don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve and ask your interviewer, point blank, for the job. 

3. Does your future employer want to hear about your accomplishments? There is no place for modesty in the executive suite. Stress your ability to handle pressure, your desirability to other firms, and results, results, results. 

4. The fastest way to get eliminated from consideration is to be poorly prepared. So do your homework on the field, the competition, the specific company where you are applying, and if possible, the particular interviewer who is meeting with you. He will evaluate your job suitability based on the way that you handle the interviewing process. Prove that you deserve the job by acing your interviews

5. If anyone inquires about your “preferred working style,” it probably means that he wants to figure out whether you are more introverted and independent, or extroverted and team-oriented. While it’s important to be flexible, it’s difficult to prove that you are, without tangible evidence. A more intelligent idea is to research the company, find out how things work on the inside, and position yourself as the “solo star” or “team player” they are seeking.

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