List of Interviewer Question - Earning Ideas

List of Interviewer Question

List of Interviewer Questions

Here are the List of Common 235 Interviewer Question for the interview:

  1. Are you a leader or a follower?
  2. Are you ambitious? 
  3. Are you familiar with Total Quality Control? 
  4. Do you use it currently?
  5. Are you involved in writing procedures, specifications, tenders, etc in your current job? 
  6. Are you planning to continue your studies? 
  7.  Are you reliable? 
  8. Are you sensitive to criticism? 
  9. Can you follow instructions?
  10. Can you tell me more about how you fit into the organization? 
  11. You work alone currently, don’t you?
  12. Can you tell me more about how you get the best out of your team?
  13. Can you work under pressure?
  14. Could you tell me more about [anything you’ve mentioned on your CV or application form]? Describe a difficult customer you’ve had to deal with
  15. Describe a difficult decision you’ve had to make.
  16. Describe a difficult problem you’ve had to deal with.
  17. Describe a difficult problem you’ve had to deal with. How did you handle it?
  18. Describe a difficult sale you’ve made.
  19. Describe a situation where your work was criticized. How did you respond?
  20. Describe how your current job relates to the overall goals of your department or company. 
  21. Describe how your current job relates to the rest of the company. 
  22. Do you enjoy dealing with people?
  23. Do you ever lose your temper?
  24. Do you feel confident you would be able to do the job? 
  25. Do you feel you’re overqualified/over-experienced for this position? 
  26.  Do you feel your education prepared you for the workplace? 
  27. Do you feel your lack of experience could be a problem? 
  28.  Do you feel your lack of qualifications could be a problem?
  29.  Do you get bored doing routine work? 
  30. Do you have more responsibilities now than when you started?
  31.  Do you like analytical tasks? 
  32. Do you like doing detailed work?
  33.  Do you like your current job? 
  34. Do you prefer routine tasks and regular hours? 
  35.  Do you prefer working alone or with others? 
  36.  Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? 
  37. Do you think attention to detail is important in this sort of job? 
  38. Do you think speed or accuracy is the more important? 
  39.  Do you work well under pressure?
  40. Give me an outline of your current position. 
  41. Have you done the best work you’re capable of doing? 
  42. Have you ever failed to meet a challenge? 
  43.  Have you ever failed to reach your target?
  44. Have you ever had any problems with supervisors? 
  45. Have you ever had to bend health and safety rules to get a job done? 
  46.  Have you ever had to supervise people more qualified than you? 
  47. Have you ever worked under pressure? How did you cope with it?
  48.  Have you made any presentations in your current job?
  49. Have you used MBO (management by objective) techniques before? 
  50.  Have you worked without supervision? 
  51.  Have you written any technical, procedural or training manuals for your company? 
  52.  Have your responsibilities increased while you’ve been doing your current job? 
  53. How do you approach a project?
  54.  How do you behave under pressure? 
  55.  How do you deal with criticism?
  56. How do you deal with difficult decisions? 
  57. How do you deal with pressure? 
  58.  How do you decide when it’s appropriate to use your initiative or better to refer to your manager? 
  59. How do you decide when to use your initiative and when to refer to a supervisor/ manager?
  60. How do you define doing a good job in your profession? 
  61. How do you feel about routine work? 
  62. How do you feel about starting at the bottom? 
  63. How do you find out what your competitors are doing? 
  64. How do you get on with different types of people?
  65. How do you get on with other people?
  66. How do you get the best from people? 
  67. How do you go about making important decisions? 
  68.  How do you go about recruiting a new member for the team? 
  69. How do you handle rejection?
  70. How do you handle stress?
  71. How do you handle tension? 
  72. How do you interact with people at different levels? 
  73. How do you keep aware of what’s happening in other departments? 
  74.  How do you keep up with changes/innovations in your profession? 
  75.  How do you keep up with developments in your profession? 
  76.  How do you keep up with what is happening in your field? 
  77. How do you make sure meetings run to time? 
  78. How do you manage/have you managed change? 
  79.  How do you organize and plan for major projects? 
  80. How do you plan your workload? 
  81. How do you prioritize your workload?
  82.  How do you rate your confidence? 
  83. How do you react to stress? 
  84.  How do you react when approached by someone who looks angry? 
  85.  How do you respond to criticism? 
  86.  How do you schedule your sales trips? 
  87.  How do you work under pressure? 
  88. How has your job changed since you’ve been there? 
  89.  How important do you think motivation skills are for a manager? 
  90.  How long do you think it would take you to make a contribution? 
  91.  How long do you think it would take you to make a contribution to this company?
  92. How many hours a week do you currently work?
  93. How many hours a week would you say you worked currently? 
  94.  How well do you interact with people at different levels?
  95. How well do you work in a team? 
  96.  How well do you work without supervision?
  97. How would you define a conducive working atmosphere?
  98. How would you define your profession? 
  99. I notice that this job is rather different from your current/last one... 
  100. Isn’t this job a bit of a step backwards/sideways for you?
  101. It’s quite a long time since your last job... 
  102. Tell me about a difficult decision you had to make. 
  103. Tell me about a problem you’ve had to deal with. 
  104. Tell me about a time you had to persuade someone to do something they weren’t keen to do. 
  105. Tell me about some of the projects you’ve worked on. 
  106. Tell me about yourself 
  107. There are quite long gaps in your record. Is there a reason for that?
  108. This job needs someone passionate about business improvement. Does that describe you? 
  109. This job needs someone who is passionate about business improvement. Is that you? 
  110. This position needs someone who is friendly and approachable. Is that how you would describe yourself? 
  111. Under what conditions do you work best/produce your best results? 
  112. We’re offering around $22,000. How does that sound to you?
  113. What appeals to you least about this job?
  114. What are some of the problems you encounter in your current job?
  115. What are some of the problems you encounter in your job?
  116. What are the crucial aspects of your job? 
  117. What are the key factors for a successful team? 
  118. What are the main factors to consider when planning for growth? 
  119. What are the reasons for your professional success?
  120. What are the reasons for your success in this profession?
  121.  What are the sorts of things colleagues do that really irritate you?
  122. What are you like at influencing and persuading?
  123. What are you like with deadlines?
  124. What are you looking for in a job?
  125. What are you seeking in an employer? 
  126.  What are your best qualities? 40 What are your career plans?
  127. What are your greatest accomplishments/achievements?
  128. What are your greatest achievements?
  129. What are your greatest strengths?
  130. What are your outstanding qualities?
  131.  What are your qualifications for this job?
  132. What are your views on customer service? 
  133.  What are your views on health and safety?
  134.  What are your views on health and safety in your job?
  135.  What can you do for us that no one else can? 
  136.  What conflicts do you anticipate between the needs of the shareholders and those of employees, and how would you balance them?
  137. What did you dislike about your boss/supervisor? 
  138. What did you dislike about your last boss?
  139. What did you learn from your last job?
  140.  What did you like about your weekend/holiday job?
  141.  What did you like least about your weekend/holiday job?
  142. What does your current job entail?
  143. What do you dislike about your current job? 
  144. What do you find most difficult about your current job?
  145. What do you find most difficult to deal with in yourself?
  146. What do you know about our company?
  147. What do you regard as the essential skills for motivating people? 
  148. What do you see as the crucial aspects of your job/profession?
  149. What do you think influences progress within a company?
  150. What do you think is the key to successful negotiation?
  151. What do you think makes a person approachable? 
  152.  What do you think the key trends in the industry are?
  153. What do you think you’re worth?
  154. What do you think your last boss could have done better?
  155.  What do you think you will have problems with in this job?
  156. What experience do you have for this job?
  157. What has your current job taught you?
  158. What have you been doing since your last job? 
  159.  What have you done that shows initiative?
  160. What have you learnt that you think would be useful here? 
  161. What interests you most about this job? 
  162. What is your approach to selling? 
  163. What is your attitude to challenge? 
  164.  What is your attitude to risk? 
  165. What is your current salary? 
  166. What is your greatest weakness?
  167. What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
  168. What kinds of decisions do you make in your current job?
  169. What kinds of decisions do you make independently in your current job? 
  170. What kinds of pressures arise in your job?
  171. What kinds of pressures do you face in your current job?
  172. What makes a good leader in your view? 
  173. What makes a good team member?
  174. What makes a good... [what your job is]?
  175. What makes you a good manager? 
  176. What makes you a good... [what your job is]? 
  177. What makes you think you’ll be successful in this field?
  178. What methods do you use to predict future workloads?
  179. What motivates you?
  180. What motivates you in your job? 
  181. What outside interests do/did you enjoy? 
  182. What qualities do you need to work unsupervised? 
  183.  What skills do you feel are essential for team building? 
  184. What skills do you think are especially important when handling people tactfully?
  185. What software packages do you currently use for project management? 
  186. What sort of salary are you expecting? 
  187. What sort of things do you find difficult? 
  188.  What sort of training methods do you use to develop your staff? 
  189. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced? 
  190. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made in your job? 
  191. What type of appraisal systems do you use? 
  192.  What type of training do you think is most effective? 
  193.  What were your favorite subjects? 
  194. What were your reasons for leaving your last job? 
  195. What would you change about yourself if you could?
  196. What would you do if a chatty colleague was interrupting your work? 
  197. What would you do if I told you your presentation earlier was terrible? 
  198. What would you do if someone on your team wasn’t pulling their weight? 
  199. What would you do if we gave you a completely free hand? 
  200. What would you do if we gave you a free hand? 
  201.  What would you do if your opinion differed from that of your boss?
  202. What would you say are the reasons for your success? 
  203. What would you say makes a good... [whatever your job is]?
  204. What would you say your attitude to challenge is? 
  205. When was the last time you felt angry? 
  206.  When was the last time you got angry 
  207.  When was the last time you lost your temper? 
  208. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? 
  209. Which aspects of the course interested you most? 
  210. Why did you choose the course/subjects you did? 
  211.  Why do you believe you would make a good manager? 
  212.  Why do you feel developing people is important? 
  213. Why do you think you would like this type of work? 
  214.  Why do you want to change jobs? 
  215.  Why do you want to work here?
  216. Why should I hire you?
  217.  Would you call yourself a problem-solver?
  218. Would you describe yourself as a problem-solver? 
  219. Would you object to being supervised by someone less highly qualified than you? 
  220. Would you say you followed instructions well? 
  221. Would you say you have authority?
  222. Would you say you have good analytical skills?
  223. Would you say you have good influencing skills?
  224. Would you say you are confident?
  225. Would you say you are determined?
  226. Would you say you were innovative? 
  227. Would you say you were organized?
  228. Would you say you are persuasive? 
  229. Would you say you were reliable? 
  230. You seem to have changed jobs frequently. Was there a reason for that? 
  231.  You’ve been in your current job a rather short time. Why are you changing so soon?
  232. You’ve had a wide range of different jobs... 
  233. You were in your last job a long time. How do you think you’d adjust to a new post?
  234. You were in your last job for x years. You weren’t promoted in that time?
  235. Your last/current job seems a bit of a step down. Was there a reason for that? 
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