How to Prepare for Telephone Interviews? - Earning Ideas

How to Prepare for Telephone Interviews?

How to Prepare for Telephone Interviews?

It’s very rare to have just a telephone interview; you usually have to undergo a formal face-to-face meeting as well. As above, these are mostly screening interviews to see if you meet the basic needs before being passed on to a selection interview. Other reasons why you might have an initial telephone interview are:

● because the job is phone based – customer inquiries or telephone sales, for example – and you are demonstrating an important skill required for the post; 
● because it’s a supposedly informal chat (see below) designed to find out more about you and see if you could be suitable for the job; 
● because the employer is in a hurry to fill the post and needs to get up a shortlist quickly.

Some job advertisements invite a telephone response, especially if the job involves great use of the phone. It is a way of checking your telephone manner, and a satisfactory conversation may be followed by a request to come for interview or to complete a formal written application. 
Before you pick up the phone to dial an advertiser, have your CV by you, so you can answer relevant questions accurately. If you are job hunting, keep the following items near the phone or on you:  

  • CV  
  • Letter of application for any job, plus enclosure  
  • Note pad and pencil  
  • Diary, so you are prepared to make an appointment. 

If they call you unexpectedly, stay calm. Remember to make a note of who’s calling – name, position and company – and their phone number. If possible, get hold of your CV and other useful information. Keep it to hand in a desk drawer, near the phone or on your organizer for just this eventuality.

If you have been sending out different versions of your CV to match different advertisements, it is essential to know which one is being referred to at the time. Don’t have your computer skills CV in front of you when the caller is responding to a telesales CV. Warn others in the house that you are sending out applications, so they can be prepared to take calls in your absence; ask them to fetch you to the phone immediately or take a clear message if you are out – name, number, company name, best time to call back. Interviewers also use the telephone to vet applicants, whether they have written in on spec or in answer to an advertisement. It is cheaper than face-to-face interviewing, and is a quicker way of making up a shortlist. They may ask for clarification of a point in your CV or application, or simply be using this as the reason for calling to vet your speech and communication skills. 
Try not to be flustered when a call comes, and answer the questions. If you can sit comfortably while talking and smile  even though no one can see you – a friendlier image of you will be received at the other end. 
    When you’re on the phone:

    Speak clearly – don’t drink, chew or smoke while you’re talking or even while the other person is talking. 
    Smile – it alters the muscles in your face and throat and makes your voice sound warmer and more relaxed. 
    Make notes – they could be useful for the formal interview. 
    Avoid one-word answers – however unprepared you are, try to say more than just ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in answer to questions. 
    Don’t worry – the person calling you won’t expect you to be fully prepared or make the sort of presentation you would at a formal interview, but do make sure you sound enthusiastic.

    If there is time, confirm the arrangement in writing; it looks very efficient. 

    Your address  
    Phone Number  
    Name of caller 
    Company address

    Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms X  
    Thank you for telephoning me today regarding the vacancy for a customer service executive, and as arranged, I look forward to meeting you at 10.30 am on Tuesday 20 May at your address.  

    Yours sincerely 
    (Your signature)  

    Your name in clear writing.  

    This is just an example you can adapt to your situation. If you have to phone back, be prepared for large organisations to answer with recorded messages and a ‘menu’ which you can access with a press-button phone only. If you still have a dial phone, keep your cool and hold on until the end of the message and, one hopes, someone who speaks to you, live.  

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