20 Things you should NEVER say in an interview. - Earning Ideas

20 Things you should NEVER say in an interview.

It is necessary that you ask question to interviewer about the company anytime but it is equally important you know what not to say to the interviewer during interview.
These are 20 things that you should avoid saying in an interview.

20 Things you should NEVER say in an interview.

1) Tell me about your company. You should know this already!

2) I did not like my last boss (or any of them for that matter). Even if you have the worse boss in the world, the interviewer may think the problem is you. He/she may also wonder what you will say about them if you are hired. Be positive. Check your negativity at the door.

3) I did not get along with or like my co-workers. See #2

4) I will do any job you have. This sounds desperate. Remember, your job search is specific and targeted.

5) I desperately need this job. Do not act desperate and do not say that you are.

6) I told you about that in my resume/application. They know this. You should be able to convey your skills and background on the drop of time. Do not expect that your resume/application will to the talking for you.

7) You know what I am saying? Actually, they may not know what you are saying if you are using slang throughout the interview. Speak intelligently.

8) Calling the interviewer by a nickname that you made up. For instance, the interviewer He introduces himself as Bobby Knight and you call him BK, Bob or Bobster or B-nice.

9) Using jargon and acronyms of which the interview may not be familiar. If you are not sure, err on the side of caution.

10) Nope!

11) Yep!

12) About that… When I hear that, I prepare for something that may be less than true.

13) Do not be overly apologetic. "Saying I am sorry I am a little nervous", "I am sorry I dropped my pen", "I am sorry I don't have that skill",,,This is a sign of passiveness. You want to be assertive and confident.

14) Am I doing a good job with the questions? This seems insecure.

15) That was not my fault. Be accountable.

16) It was__________fault. Do not place blame.

17) Am I one of your top choices for the job? This may show that you are insecure. Do you really think they will say yes or no?

18) How much is this job paying? You should research this and be prepared when the employer inquires about your salary expectations. If you give your expectations, it is ok to ask, “Is the salary within the range of my expectations.”

19) You should hire me; I will not be on the market long or you will be missing out if you do not hire me. Do not be cocky. Be confident but have balance.

20) Nothing. You have to communicate with the interviewer. You not only need well thought out answers, you need well-thought out questions.
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