Reason 1: Having a Mailing List of Subscribers Means You Control the Traffic
When you have a mailing list you can get free traffic just by sending out an e-mail! Which means you control the traffic.
Thanks to my mailing list, I can get 60,000 to 90,000 clicks a month.
Web traffic is the lifeblood of any Internet business. Essentially, in twenty-first century business, traffic equals money. And free traffic equals free money!
In other words, having a mailing list allows you to make free money.
When you pay nothing—zero, zilch—and make $1,000 in profit just by sending out an e-mail, well, that is quite simply an incredibly lucrative business model.
Reason 2: Having a Mailing List Means You Benefit from Mass Leverage
Think about this for a second. If you have 10,000 subscribers on your mailing list, it means that you can communicate directly with 10,000 prospects anytime you want, at zero cost!
Think about the power of that! It is almost like having access to the earning power—or wallets—of 10,000 people.
With such incredible leverage can come incredible profits!
Reason 3: Having a Mailing List Means You Can Make Money on Demand!
Imagine making $1,000 to $2,000 just by sending out one e-mail.
A while back I remember sending out four e-mails to my mailing list in a one-week period while I was on holiday. It took me less than 45 minutes to prepare and send out these short e-mails, and I made $5,708 in free money!
I didn’t even have to do any of the work, because I was promoting four affiliate offers, which meant I collected 50 percent simply for sending out an e-mail.
Having a mailing list can be like having your very own ATM machine in your living room.
Reed Floren, who has 200,000 subscribers on his mailing list (he’s only 25 years old), says he has three ATMs—pointing to the three laptops on his office desk, whirring away as they send out e-mails to his list. (He makes close to $100,000 a month thanks to his list!)
In fact, it is not unusual for Internet marketers to send out direct-mail letters to their customers (their client database) and make $50,000 to $100,000 or more in just three days.
Build your list once. . .and make money forever!
The money is in the list!
Reason 4: Having a Mailing List Means You Can Make Money from Anywhere in the World
I believe that having a list is key to escaping the rat race and achieving financial independence. And best of all, you can work from home, or, indeed, from anywhere around the world.
Whether I’m staying in Thailand, Greece, France, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, Bermuda, Egypt, the Maldives, Germany, the Czech Republic, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, or skiing in the Alps or enjoying a cruise in the Mediterranean, I can open up my laptop, connect to the Internet, send out an e-mail to my list with a great offer and make thousands of dollars!
Having a list means that you can make money from anywhere in the world.
Having a list equals freedom!
Reason 5: Having a List Means You Can Give Yourself a Pay Raise Every Month
As an Internet marketer, you should be making, on average, $1 per subscriber per month. This means that, on average, having 1,000 subscribers equals $1,000 a month, 5,000 subscribers equals $5,000 a month, 10,000 subscribers equals $10,000 a month, and so on.
This means you can give yourself a monthly pay raise simply by growing your list. You want to make an extra $1,000 this month? Great! Simply add another 1,000 subscribers. This is why list-building allows you to grow your business fast.
The faster you grow your list (i.e., generate leads for your business), the faster you grow your business.
Well-known British direct marketer Andrew Reynolds says that “for every 1,000 customers on your list, you should make $157,335 a year in sales to them.”
John Alanis, from the United States, qualifies this further: “For every 1,000 customers you have (someone that gives you $300 or more), you can make $1,000,000 a year in sales to them.”
In my own experience, I have to say that this is absolutely true!
The money is in the list!
Reason 6: The Majority of the Profit in Any Business is in the Back End
In any kind of business that you are in, in any market, and in any industry, it is vital that you build your mailing list of prospects and your mailing list of customers. Why? Because if you don’t have a mailing list, you are not able to generate repeat business from existing customers.
And—as cliché as this may sound—it truly is seven times easier to sell to an existing customer than to try to get a new customer. And furthermore, you can better inform your prospects and clients about the value of your offers, solutions, products, and services (it takes seven exposures to a message, on average, before a prospect takes action).
By having your prospects and clients on your mailing list, you don’t just get one bite of the apple, you get the opportunity to sell to them over and over again and propose better and better solutions! Figure 2.1 illustrates the importance of driving customers from your opt-in page to sales pages to make additional revenue.
Finally, having a mailing list is vital, because by staying in touch with your clients and prospects, you show that you care. That’s right. People need to feel significant and important, and they need to feel that you care.
A study was done years ago that showed that the number one reason people stopped using a business’s services or stopped frequenting an establishment was perceived indifference. One of the single biggest killers of revenue is perceived indifference, meaning customers’ perception that a business doesn’t care about them or their business.
Stay in touch with your prospects and clients, send them e-mails twice a week, send them a letter or newsletter every month, send them a catalog every quarter; stay in touch regularly!
It has been proven that consistency of contact with your clients and prospects generates trust, which ultimately means many more sales.
How can you stay in touch with them if they’re not on your mailing list?
Reason 7: You Earn a Lot More Per Click if Your Traffic is from Your Subscribers Rather than from Cold Traffic
Matt Bacak, an Internet marketer and entrepreneur, has calculated that he earns $0.70 per click that he generates by sending e-mails out to his subscribers. I know from our own statistics that we only earn $0.14 per click from Twitter, for example (cold traffic or people that we don’t yet have a relationship with).
Ultimately that’s the difference right there.
You will make five times more money from traffic from your mailing list than from other sources.
Plus, you can get this traffic over and over again, whereas other traffic sources would require you to keep spending money (or time) to generate visitors.
Four more reasons why you should build a list:
1. Having a list means you can survey your customers and find out what they want to buy.
2. You can leverage your list to attract joint ventures.
3. Having a large list almost guarantees the profitability of nearly any new business venture and recession-proofs your income.
4. Your list of customers is a sellable asset.
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