You can spend this hour on personal finance in several ways.
If you consistently do this, you will find yourself spending more than that one
hour. Once you realize you’re gaining so much valuable information and becoming
significantly more educated in an important area, you won’t be able to stop.
So, where should you spend your time and energy? Start
with free resources.
Here are a few to consider:
▪The Internet—There is enough
free personal finance information on the Internet to provide you with in-depth
information in all areas I’ve discussed in this book and more.
▪The library—The local library
has sections with a significant number of books in this area.
▪Your company—See if your
company offers any seminars, and take advantage of them.
▪Find a mentor—People enjoy
helping others. Seek out individuals who are financially savvy. Develop a list
of questions and ask them for an hour of their time. It could result in hours of
free advice over time.
▪Friends and
family—You will be surprised what people know but haven’t passed on to
you. If Uncle Joe retired young and has a big bank account, ask him for the
details of how he did it. I guarantee he will enjoy talking about it. And you
will learn more from him than you will from any book (including mine)!
And here is one I believe you should pay for: a subscription
to MONEY magazine (I’m not affiliated with the magazine,
so I have no ulterior motive for this recommendation).
It’s easy to read,
inexpensive, and it provides good information and excellent advice.
importantly, it makes you think about different personal money management
Think about it: During your school years, you spent no (or
very little) time and energy learning about personal finance. What is one hour a
week? Well, it actually adds up to a lot of time over a few years: fifty-two
hours your first year, two hundred and sixty hours over five years, and five
hundred and twenty hours over ten years. That’s a minimum of five hundred and
twenty hours more than the average person spends learning about personal
If you put in that amount of time and energy, I guarantee you
will be much better versed in personal money management than the average
individual. More importantly, I guarantee that you will have earned/saved tens
of thousands of dollars through your learning!
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